Post 2 : Why Did I choose My Major?

Hello everybody , well this is the second post of my Blog . And I tell about why I choose this degree When I was a child I don't remember what I did in the future , when I started the school began like mathematics , so I liked the idea about study engineer but when I was at 9 grade besides began like the science and the take care the health of people so I decided study medicine ,but I realised that I don't have very well development of the skills in relationship between Doctor and Patient , but is not later to learn , so I thought a degree when I take care the people but in another area , such as in laboratory research for discover a vaccinate or others things, that help people in their improvement. Well until now my experience at university its so so because I only have online classes. My career options were Medicine , Biochemestry , Molecular Biotechnology Engineer , in others . I choosed Biochemestry because the PSU sc...