Post 4: A meal or food I really like

Hello Everyone this is the four post of my blog , in this ocation I would like talking about my favourite meal or food .
Let go , I don't have a favourite kind of meal , however I like different kinds of  food among Italian food, Chinese food , home food  and others .
If I have to choose    I have two options  really like eating Italian food  such as lasagna , fettucinni , gnochi , pizza and they ice cream . And Home food such as Cazuela , Porotos granados , ect...
About the Italian food I really like eating lasagna  the most than others italian dishes  , well It's prepare with a lot of ingredients among tomatoes sauce , chesse , meat , layered pasta , and others. But It depends of  your own likes for prepare it  . I like eating It because is a boom of  taste  and is delicious , although I have to avoid eat Italian food because It has a lot of calories and saturated fat and  they are  bad for my health .

 About Home food I realy enjoy  eat Cazuela
 especially on winter because It's a hot dish  and It's prepare with a piece of  meat and different vegetables such as , popatoes, pumpkin , rice , green beans , an others , besides others ingredients, but It depends of your own likes for prepare It. I like eat It because in the same case of the Italian food It's a boom of taste. and is good for my health I think that .

Others food  I really like  eat are the chocolate ,  ice cream ,  different vegetables and fruits  that exist 
Finally I don't like eat the fast food because It has a lot of calories and saturated fat and this is bad for my health because  you get fat.



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