Post 7: An expert / person in your field that you admire.

 I admire a few cientific... And a lot friends, persons and people... But I talking about, in this post, some a person that you admire, and how he or she contribution in my life.

I admire a three cientific persons one is Albert Einstein, the second is Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawkin. But I talking about one of them. I choose Albert Einstein, because, the manner of he thought the things are very interesting for me.

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Kingdom of Wüttemberg, German Empire on 14 march 1879. he talk about "THEORYOF RELATIVY", that is very famous for that. He won the Nobel Prize in 1921. 

When Adolf Hitler take the power in Germany, Albert Einstein was visiting United States and he did not return to Germany and a few years later became in American citizen. He was marriage twice, firt with Mileva Maric, and with his second wife named Elsa Löwenthal and had three children Lieserl Einstein, Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard "tete" Einstein. 

He constributed in many things, but, forme, the most importan thing his "THEORY OF RELATIVY", thats means, as resume, that the time is relative... BUM!!!!


  1. I also admire him a lot for his ideas and theories

  2. Albert Einstein was a genius, I think we should all admire the achievements he made for the progress of humanity


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