Post 5: A Photo and It's Story


For centuries humanity  has asked for the universe. The picture that I choose is very significative to me, because, It represent the union between universe and human.

I know many stories about that, for example, the gods of Olympus, the UFO, and etc. But for me the universe and humanity have lots of stories to tell us.

For me we have a  very intese union we must know that  humans, bacterias and other things, coexist with universe. Many of memorable characters of physic said, for example, that the time is relative, so, we can imagine that there exist parallel words among us and other types of lives.

Finally, for me the photograph represents a symbol of hope, prosperity and the most important thing, because  scientists always turn to the facts of the things. But I think that the stories that share with universe are boundless as  Albert Einstein said.


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