Post 6: How can your mayor make the world a better place?

 Sometimes in my mind I remember the song of Michael Jackson that have the tittle "HEAL THE WORLD"... 

In my major  helps with improve the life in the humanity, because, can understand the behavior of the body and how the antigens affect and improve or development in the vaccines for take care the disease.

I make visible, in the future. Make my own proyect of the creations of vaccines, but in the process is very dificult, but not less, I can understand a lot of things that in my past can not understand.

If we can see now a days, the cientific part have a lot of work to do with the pandemic, and how COVID-19 are grow up in diferrents mutations.

If you can see, this major have a lot of contributions of the better of humanity, for example, vaccines in smallpox, bubonic plague, the viral disease "influenza", of how create some pills that make feels better in the flu, and etc. 


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