Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying


Dear classmates and professor; this is the last post that we describe in English classes. I enjoy every week that can do things about this subject.

And now... This post is talking about a subject that enjoyed... I think and think, and so on... And my conclusion is enjoyed Chesmestry, because, is a hard subject, you must pay atention and focus in this subject and you must need all your abilities to make the exercises and laboratory process make it work.

I learned, that the Chemestry is envolved in a lot of process in the life, but the most importan thing that, in this particular major, you realized that all things, that you make is for the people feel better, sometimes helps in desease and finally de most important is that found the cure of some desease that keep the person continued their life.

I thought when I was in the school, the subject mathematics, biology and chemestry was the funiest subject for me studied. Because this three subject join each other. It means that all three of them is needed in the process of my major.


  1. I also like it but I don't know why it's making it difficult for me now :(

  2. Within the faculty the level of chemistry that is applied is quite difficult, I love it but passing the chemistry was a challenge for me

  3. In my opinion learning chemistry is very important:o


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